
P.O Box 12057, Kampala, Uganda

+44 161 740 9966


We hope to see Restoration in the lives of all those we encounter, mentor and serve in each of our our communities.  We currently serve in   Bukelere (Mukono) and Kulambiro (Kampala), both districts in Uganda, plus Kapeka in Nakasake, about an hour and a half outside of Kampala,  where we have just agreed (3rd May 2021) to purchase 10 acres of land

The first three letters in restore ‘RES’ represent our three cornerstone objectives.‘Reach’, ‘Engage’, and ‘Serve’.
These powerful, emotive words reflect a strategy that stands as the foundation for all our work.


We Reach out to our local community, offering services they need. Life changing services we know they will seriously benefit from.


We Engage with people in our communities by creating a space that is welcoming and providing experiences that make a tangible difference to their lives.


We Serve the needs of the whole person through relationships, equipping and empowering them to overcome the challenges or difficulties they are face in their day to day lives.

Accomplished Through Vocational Skills Training And Education

In combination, these lie at the heart of human progress and are essential to access and sustainability of employment. We achieve this by provision of a physical place of education and a place to learn a skill. Teaching staff essential to the success of the operation. Marginalised people are supported, trained and incentivised to generate sustainable incomes through the development of small enterprise and decent work.

Offered At Present:
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IT Skills

Basic computer literacy training opens up new employment and communication opportunities.

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Livestock (pigs, goats and production of milk, eggs, chicks, piglets, kids )

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Retail Training

Learning fundamental retails skills can lead to greater employability and enhanced self esteem.

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Fashion, seamstress, tailoring and clothing repairs to increase employability and improve home life.

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Crop Husbandry

Growing and harvesting maize, sweet potato, greens, matoke, bananas

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Football Coaching

Sport improves physical and mental health and brings people together.

Our Vision

Is Helping People Find Their Way Back To God.

Christian Restoration Manchester is a UK Christian Charity based in Blackley, North Manchester. As well as meeting together on Sundays and throughout the week for acts of public worship, we deliver various outreach projects that serve our local community, including the following which are open access and available to all: advice and mentoring; training / social events; support groups in the areas of emotional, physical, financial distress & social welfare; music lessons; drug and alcohol abuse awareness; employability, confidence building, competence in employment; relieving poverty; hate crime awareness; social inclusion; drama productions; parenting workshops; community football, Food Bank, and youth work.

We have a big heart for our community here in Blackley, North Manchester. We are currently running the following projects in our community.

Food Bank, Community Football, Community Church, Mental Health drop in, Drop in and advise, Coffee morning.


Volunteers are most welcomed.

become a volunteer

We welcome volunteers so if you are interested please get in touch using the form on this page

We are also looking for people who can spare some time to organise events to raise money to help our projects here in Manchester and in Uganda  –  if would like to help, take a look at our fundraising page to find out more.